Magnolia Close, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster, DN3 1JG

01302 882827


Kirk Sandall Junior School

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Generous Donation by Next Distribution and Furniture Manufacturing

Generous Donation by Next Distribution and Furniture Manufacturing

10 November 2017 (by admin)

A huge thank you to Next for giving our school a fantastic donation. This money will be spent on playground improvements for our pupils to enjoy in the near future.

Mrs R McGuire, Business Manager, together with several of our pupils were presented with a cheque for £290 by Next. Next participated in 'Cycle September' - a small group of employees took part in a challenge to keep a bike moving for a period of 24 hours. The aim was to raise money for a local school within South Yorkshire, thus promoting health and wellbeing. Our school was very lucky to be nominated by 2 employees! Thank you so much. It is very much appreciated.