Safeguarding - Roles and Responsibilities
The Designated Senior Member of staff for Safeguarding (Child Protection) /Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Joanne Addy
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are: Carolyn Buckley, Richard Fairgrieve, Ashleigh Eastwood, Claire Papazoglou
The Designated Teacher for Looked After Children is: Laura Burgin
The Nominated Child Protection/ Safeguarding Governor is: Louise Chappell
The Nominated Governor for Looked After Children is: Louise Chappell
The named CSE lead is: Joanne Addy
The named FGM lead is: Joanne Addy
The named on-line protection officer is: Joanne Addy
The named complaints handler is: Ashleigh Eastwood (Head of School)
The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is: Milovan Orlandich Contact Details: 01302 737332
More Information
Executive Headteacher/Senior Manager: responsible for implementing policies and procedures, allocating resources to the
safeguarding team and addressing staff safeguarding concerns.
Name: Carolyn Buckley Tel no: 01302 882827
Designated Safeguarding Lead / Child Protection Liaison Teacher or Officer (DSL/CPO): senior member of
the leadership team, responsible for dealing with safeguarding issues, providing advice and support to other staff,
liaising with the local authority, and working with other agencies.
Name: Joanne Addy Tel no: 01302 882827
Deputy Child Protection Lead / Teacher or Officer(s): a member of the teaching, support or pastoral staff, in a
post which requires assessment of children, with sufficient status and authority to effectively deputise for the CPLT/O
role above. Cannot be an administrative or finance worker.
Name: Carolyn Buckley, Richard Fairgrieve, Ashleigh Eastwood & Claire Papazoglou Tel no: 013028 882827
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo): staff member who provides advice, liaison and support for
school staff and other agencies working with pupils with special educational needs and their parents or carers.
Name: Laura Burgin Tel no: 01302 882827
Looked After Children (LAC) Designated Teacher: promotes the educational achievement of ‘looked after’ children
who are on the school roll, and helps staff understand issues that affect how they learn and achieve.
Name: Joanne Addy Tel no: 01302 882827
Your Safeguarding Children Team also links in with the:
Safeguarding/Child Protection Governor: ensures there are appropriate safeguarding children policies and
procedures in place, monitors whether they are followed and, together with the rest of the governing body, remedies
deficiencies and weaknesses that are identified.
Name: Louise Chappell Tel no: 01302 882827
Chair of Governors: takes the lead in dealing with allegations of abuse made against the Headteacher (and other
members of staff when the Headteacher is not available), in liaison with the Local Authority; and on safe recruitment
practices with the Headteacher.
Name: Janet Catt Tel no: 01302 882827
E-safety Coordinator: to develop and maintain an e-safety culture within a school.
Name: Heather Audsley Tel no: 01302 882827
Pastoral Support addresses difficulties preventing a child from reaching their full potential e.g.
behaviour, attendance, achievement, timekeeping, homework, safeguarding issues, and develops strategies to
overcome these barriers.
Name: Claire Papazoglou Tel no: 01302 882827