Magnolia Close, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster, DN3 1JG

01302 882827


Kirk Sandall Junior School

  1. News
  2. NSPCC Fundraising Day

NSPCC Fundraising Day

5 December 2019 (by admin)

A breathtaking £1,808.70 raised - THANK YOU!

We had a NSPCC 'thank you' assembly today, together with a representative from the NSPCC.  Children were amazed and delighted to hear that they had raised a staggering £1,808.70 from the recent fundraising day.  We also received a NSPCC 'Buddy Teddy' to keep in school which the children love.  Both the Junior School and Infant School raised £3,333.70 which will make such a huge difference to so many deserving children.  Thank you everyone.